Sunday, March 18, 2012

Having your Wedding? Make it stress free.

So you just got engaged and after all that rush of excitement and your beautiful ring, the first thing on you mind is your BUDGET and DRESS??? STOP and take a deep breath before things become chaotic.

Stress Wedding free steps
  1. Enjoy being engaged, take time out to celebrate that moment.
    • Celebrate your friendship with him and appreciate him.
    • Share the good news with your loved ones.
    • Change your status on Facebook so your friends can all celebrate with you. 
  2. Start collecting information 
    • Bridal magazines
    • Wedding websites
    • Wedding themes
  3. Budget
    • Set a budget and STICK to it
      • ***  Mom and Dad helping? make sure that they take part in setting the BUDGET
    • Set up a separate account just for wedding expenses
      • keep all receipts
      • Use a spreadsheet if you have to
    • Start interviewing vendors
      • Wedding planner Andels Weddings
      • Venus
      • Catering services
        • food and cake tastings
      • Videographer
      • Photographers
      • DJ
      • MC
        • etc
  4. Put your organization skills to use
    • Get a 3 ring binder and write down all activities and ideas
    • Read every contract vividly before you commit
      • raise and address any issues as they arise
  5. Its fun time
    • Every one wants to help, but keep it simple and stress free
    • keep bridesmaids drama to a minimal
      • Address issues you can and leave the rest (MOH might be of help)
      • Establish a definite way of communication with your bridal party
        • emails, text, facebook, bbm  
          • (just make sure everyone is on the same page)
    • Get creative with your bridal plans 
      • The dress (know thy self)
      • Party favours and invitation stuffing (get your bridal party involved)
      • Bridal shower
        • let your preferences be known (strippers or not)


  1. awww this is big very lovely.. you are so right im going to put some more of this into action...xoxo

  2. whaoo, note taken. these points make sense.

  3. yep true talk, Andels, wayy to gooo

  4. You are the best. Awesoooooomeee

  5. Esther Jacobs -FatokunMarch 23, 2012 at 7:57 AM

    You have arrive baby, it is your time.

  6. Wow,fantastic,can't wait for him to pop d question

  7. hey mama im loving this keep up the good work the good lord shall bless the works of your hands and big heart... hearts
